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Our returns policy grants you a 30-day period from the date of delivery to request a refund or exchange. Unfortunately, if more than 30 days have passed since your delivery, we cannot accommodate your request.
To qualify for a return, you must complete our returns form and ensure that the item remains unused and in its original condition, including the original packaging and tags. Items that have been removed from their packaging or handled cannot be refunded due to hygiene reasons. We reserve the right to refuse returns if goods have been used or do not meet the specified conditions.
Certain items are exempt from our return policy due to hygiene and safety concerns. These items include:
To initiate your return, please provide a receipt or proof of purchase and fill out our returns form. We will then send you detailed instructions, including the return address.
We only replace items that are defective or damaged. If your item is defective, please notify us within 36 hours of delivery. For faults discovered within 30 days of delivery, we will provide you with a Freepost address within the UK for returning the item and receiving a replacement at no cost. Please ensure that used items are thoroughly cleaned before returning them for inspection.
Upon receiving and inspecting your return, we will notify you via email regarding the approval or rejection of your refund request. If approved, your refund will be automatically processed to your original method of payment within 30 days.
If the item was marked as a gift and shipped directly to you, you will receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be emailed to you. If the item was not marked as a gift, the original purchaser will be informed of the return and issued a refund.
To return your product, please fill out the returns form, and we will provide you with a return confirmation and address based on your specific situation. You are responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning non-defective items. Shipping costs are non-refundable, and if applicable, will be deducted from your refund.
Once your order has been confirmed via email, modifications or cancellations are no longer possible due to our automated fulfillment process. If you wish to return your order after receiving it, please fill out our returns form. Please do not refuse delivery, as this will incur a returned parcel fee.
It is your responsibility to provide accurate delivery information and be available during delivery attempts. In the event of a returned order, additional postage fees will apply for re-dispatching.
Please inform us immediately of any delivery issues within 20 days of dispatch to facilitate courier claims.
We reserve the right to charge a processing fee, up to 25% of the order value or a minimum of €2.90 plus transaction fees, for any order cancellation, return, or refund. This fee may also apply if an order is returned as defective and deemed otherwise upon inspection.
Our faulty item policy and one-year warranty do not cover water damage on items not explicitly labelled as waterproof or user-caused physical damage.
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