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You have a 30-day window from the date of delivery to initiate a return. To qualify for a return, your item must be unused and in its original condition, including the original packaging and tags. Unfortunately, items that have been removed from their packaging, handled, or used cannot be returned due to hygiene reasons. Please access our returns form to proceed with your return request.
We offer replacements only for defective or damaged items. If your item develops a fault within 30 days, we will provide you with a Freepost address within the UK for returning the item and receiving a replacement at no additional cost. Ensure that used items are thoroughly cleaned before returning them for inspection. Access our exchange form to begin the exchange process.
Once we receive and inspect your return, a refund will be processed automatically within 30 days. If your refund request is declined, we will notify you via email and offer the option to have the item returned to you. Please note that refunds apply only to regular-priced items; sale items are non-refundable.
Certain items are excluded from our return policy due to hygiene reasons, including:
Please refrain from returning your order directly to the manufacturer or the contact address listed on our site. Instead, complete the returns form to receive detailed instructions on returning your order, including the return address. For our comprehensive returns policy.
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